
Online Group of Alcoholics Anonymous

7th Tradition Contributions

“Every A.A. group ought to be fully self-
supporting, declining outside contributions.”

In-line with the Seventh Tradition, Please send donations via Zelle, or PayPal to: Any-Lengths Online Group of Alcoholics Anonymous is self-supporting because of the individual contributions of its members. The donations assist in paying the group’s expenses which is currently about $700.00 a year. The website and various other group expenses are just one aspect of the Seventh Tradition, though. Ensuring that our group, at all levels, is perpetually self-supporting and free from external pressures that can derail us from our primary purpose is both a luxury and a responsibility of our group, and its members.

After covering the costs (for example, domain name (, website hosting, secure site (SSL), Zoom platform, sobriety chips, and shipping) as well as setting aside a “prudent reserve” of one year’s expenses to cover any unforeseen expenses, the group aids in spreading A.A.’s primary purpose further by making quarterly payments to the following A.A. service entities: A.A.’s General Service Office (GSO) in New York (30%), Area 72 (30%), and District 25 (40%).

The Groups Finances can be seen here.


via PayPal